FREE Stuff for Kids!
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NOTE: If you are using Firefox as your web browser, when you open the following PDF files they may appear off-center in your browser window. To print them correctly, you can either open the page using a different browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.) if you have it installed on your computer...or you can download the PDF file to your computer (Firefox > Save Page As) and then open and print from there. PDF files required Adobe Reader (free download).
Bible-Based Materials
Bible Verses - One Bible verse for each month of the year. Designed for use with the Preschool Express Kindergarten Readiness Workbook but can be used separately. (PDF file)
Kindergarten Readiness Checklist
Checklist of Kindergarten Readiness Skills - A list of 97 recommended skills that will help preschoolers make the transition into kindergarten. Includes skills from these five categories: Language, Cognitive, Motor (Gross Motor and Fine Motor), Social and Emotional, and Self-Help and Safety Skills. (PDF file)
Meaningful Praise & Warm Fuzzies - Children need praise often, but they need meaningful praise over empty words. This list will provide some ideas to go along with the ones you’re already using. Print and hang on your refrigerator as a gentle reminder that there is a fine line between being too critical and offering unjustified praise. (PDF file)
Penmanship Practice Worksheets
Blank Pages - Penmanship worksheets contain blank lines for practicing printing of the alphabet, numbers, child's name, or other words. (PDF file)
Lines & Curves - Penmanship worksheets contain lines and curves, ideal for developing a child's fine motor skills and learning the basic strokes needed for printing the alphabet and numbers. (PDF file)
Alphabet: Aa thru Zz - Penmanship worksheets contain uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet. (PDF file)
Numbers: 0 - 10 - Penmanship worksheets contain numbers from 0 to 10. (PDF file)
Pencil Toppers
Apple, Butterfly, Cup...Zipper - 26 pencil toppers, one for each letter of the alphabet, to make "studytime" more fun! (PDF file)
For Use With Preschool Workbook
Apples - Additional apples for use with the Family Tree page in the preschool workbook. (PDF file)
Preschool Games Pieces - Additional preschool games pieces (dollars, wallets, piggy banks) for use with the preschool workbook's Allowance Game. (PDF file)