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Introducing...the Preschool Express Kindergarten Readiness Workbook — an adventure just for children ages 4-7 and their families. This train is embarking on a 12-month journey through Preschool and Kindergarten concepts and skills. Besides exploring math and language concepts, children will also learn about safety, health, etiquette, responsibility, heritage, and humor. This comprehensive experience promises to be a year of self-discovery and family bonding. When the journey is over, this amazing 11 X 17 workbook folds up and becomes a cherished keepsake — a snapshot of this most important year in the child’s life. INCLUDED IN THIS RESOURCE: 1 Boarding Ticket, 21 Concept Pages, 12 Monthly Calendar Pages with Holiday Cut-Outs, 7 Game Boards with Game Pieces, 1 Skills Checklist, 1 Diploma, and Parent-Friendly Instructions & Tips.
Get your bags...Get your ticket...GET ON BOARD!
I Am: precious, part of a family, wonderfully made, and I am ON MY WAY! I Can: call 911, fold napkins 4 ways, help around the house, dress myself independently, and I can get OUT OF A PICKLE!
I Know: basic kindergarten skills, safety rules, my phone number and address, the alphabet in sign language, 'please' in 6 languages, and I know. Just ASK ME!  (All work pages are black and white.)
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