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Brain-Based Learning

The brain is composed of millions of tiny cells grouped together to form the major areas of the brain. These areas control emotions, understanding, movement, body functions, speech, etc., and communicate with each other along networks like one computer to another. Research suggests that the areas of the brain develop in conjunction with each other. A building block laid in one area may also influence another. For example, an infant lying on his tummy sees an interesting object. His curiosity is stimulated. He works until he is able to raise his head to see it better (problem solving). Muscles and strength develop in his neck that will later help him chew food and talk. Here are a few other "new ideas" about how the brain develops that apply to learning.

*Brains are individual and ever changing. They develop on different but normal timetables. Do not compare your child's progress to another child's progress.

*Emotions dictate learning. Positive emotions create self-confidence and a love of learning. Negative emotions (anxiety, fear) hamper understanding and reduce the ability to learn and remember. Be your child's cheerleader. He is already a winner!

*The mind learns as the body learns. Fidgeting is not always a sign of inattention. Kinesthetic thinking means that movement reinforces what we are learning into memory. Sometimes wiggling just helps us think better!

*Chemicals in the brain fluctuate. Sometimes you are really "up" to learn, and sometimes you're not. Don't push!

*The brain prefers meaningful information. It is poor at learning isolated facts and lists unless they pertain to the bigger picture. Remember: The child's big picture is not necessarily the world's big picture. Keep it on his level.

*Take care of the brain. Proper nutrition, adequate sleep, health, play, and a healthy emotional and physical environment are critical elements to brain development that the child cannot provide himself. Take him to healthy child check-ups. Cut out excess sweets and sodas. (Remember, fruit juice is 100% sugar. Water is better.) Limit the amount of violence (T.V., video games) he is exposed to. Lavish meaningful praise on your child. Be quick to praise and slow to criticize.


Lavish meaningful praise on your child…

Be quick to praise and slow to criticize…

Remember: Your child is already a winner!

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